About us


About us


Welcome to Uptown Exclusives! We want to thank you for being here on our site. Supporting small businesses are no small gesture. We genuinely appreciate each and every order & each customer that pops in to say hello – online and in person. You are what makes our store so beautiful.

We originally opened our doors in 2009 in LaGrange, Georgia (as Stephens Exclusives) and are now located in Uptown Columbus, Georgia. We started out with a mission of making our store feel like a home – a place where each person was welcome and could find unique products that they were driving out of town for. This mission continues today. We have continually evolved based on the feedback that we have received from our customers.

We are passionate about bringing you beautifully curated jewelry, clothing, accessories, gifts & baby items. All of our items are purposefully selected by our team.  We take your suggestions to heart and are always happy to strike up a conversation of what you would like to see in our space and hear ideas on how we can collaborate.

Our goal is to not only create a store where you can shop and feel joy, but to create community around our space. Whether its hosting events with individuals, groups and businesses from our community, or holding fundraisers for beneficial causes, we want you to know that you can count on our involvement and desire to make a difference. We would love for you to reach out with any ideas that you have.

As a female owned & operated business, we thank you for supporting our dream, supporting small business & for being here in our space.

Much Love Xo,

Brooke, Darlene & the Uptown Exclusives Team  


Photography Credits: Photos 1 & 2: Pomeroy Photo; Photo 4: Photography by AU 



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